QAHS is a large comprehensive secondary school with a roll of just over 1850 young people from S1 through to S6. At the core of everything we do at QAHS are our three values and these are: Personal Best, Self-Worth, and the Human Aspect of our school.
Personal Best because we really believe in working to the best of your ability in all that you do. We have an extensive curriculum offer to meet the needs of all young people and an outstanding team of staff who deliver it.
Our achievement of a national Digital Schools Award and international Microsoft Showcase Schools status for the last three years reflects our commitment to using digital technology to enhance learning.
Pupil voice is strong in QAHS and young people have opportunities to lead improvement through a range of working groups including: LGBT, Rights Respecting Schools, Anti-poverty, Cultural Exchange, Environmental Sustainability, and have achieved national award recognition for their efforts. As a Sport Scotland Gold Award school, we also offer a wide range of sporting opportunities.
Self-worth in recognition that every young person arrives at QAHS with a with a range of life experiences that makes them unique. It is very important to us that every young person feels connected to the school, supported and valued. We want young people to be proud of their individuality and to stretch their boundaries.
Human Aspect highlights the community aspect of our school and the importance of relationships. We want everyone to feel safe, to be happy and to work together.
Thank you for your interest in our school and we warmly welcome you to Queen Anne High School.